Oral history interview

I was interviewed by the Science History Institute Museum and Library. I talk about my life and education, as well as my interest in in natural philosophy stimulated by Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. We also discuss my thoughts on facts and explanations, explanatory versus empirical lobes of the scientific method, re-envisioning the chemistry curriculum, and the field of mass spectrometry.

one man’s noise

Chris Enke was one of the creators of the Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectromenter in the 1970s. In this interview with Mike Grayson, Enke describes the series of events that led to this breakthrough, and what impact it has had on the field of mass spectrometry. This conversation was held at the 2014 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference (asms.org)

The birth of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer

Professor Chris Enke and Professor Richard Yost discuss the evolution of the triple quad and the bright future for mass spectrometry.