Trust in Science
My thoughts on the nature of scientific knowledge, how we produce it, what parts we can trust, and what parts can change are encapsulated in two series of substack posts. For a list of them and links to them separately, please go to the Philosophy section under My Work in the header.
I have also developed a new diagram for the scientific method. It and a discussion about it are found in the Scientific Method section, also under My work in the header.
My publications on trusting science
The Alan Alda Center for the Communicating Science posts a series called The Link. My article, How the Black Swan Became a Red Herring is their Link publication for September, 2023.
Michael Mathews, a philosopher/educator at the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia publishes a Newsletter called HPS&ST Newsletter which stands for History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching. It carries news, book reviews, conference announcements and summaries and much else. He has been doing this for 40 years and has gathered an extensive world-wide distribution. It is free and very worthwhile. Alerted to my Substack posts, he invited me to contribute them, in total, as an Opinion Piece in his September, 2023 Newsletter.