Distance-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
The Story
While working on a method of collecting the entire MS/MS set of responses in a single spectrum, I realized that a component of my hypothetical instrument was a new kind of mass spectrometry. It is one in which the different-massed ions, while spread out along their flight path as in a snap-shot of ions in TOF MS, would be driven to an array of detectors. I named the technique DOF MS. The basic concept is shown in the illustration for this category.
A challenge was how to achieve ion focus at each mass’s detection distance. I performed a simulation study which revealed the method—a combination of constant momentum ion acceleration and a linear ion mirror. This method achieved energy focus, including ion turn-around (a first) and relegated space focus to the ion source. This was also the point at which I “retired” in that I no longer had an active research lab.
Happily, Gary Hieftje expressed an interest in DOF MS, I became an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University, and Gary’s group built and tested a proof-of-principle instrument. His students developed the concept further through a number of papers and patents, including one that won the ASMS Award for Paper of the Year.
The use of a separate charge detector for each increment of ion mass has the advantages of unlimited high mass detection, charge accumulation for increased sensitivity, and wider dynamic range. It’s disadvantage, still a problem, is the availability of an array of charge detectors at a reasonable price. It is the one area of research that I am still involved with, collaborating with Professor Steven Ray at SUNY, Buffalo. Stay tuned.
Coauthors and coinventors in this work are Gareth Dobson, Gary Hieftje, Alexander Gundlach-Graham, Steven Ray, Charles Barinaga, David Koppenaal, Jeremy Felton, Anthony Corado, and Elise Dennis.
2006 Patent for DOF & DOF-TOF MS/MS
2007 Energy Focus for DOF MS
2007 DOF Focus paper Profile
2008 Patent II for DOF & DOF-TOF
2011 First Distance-of-Flight Instrument
2011 Patent Energy Focus for DOF
2011 Patent Ion Focusing in Miniature Trap
2011 Performance of DOF with Focal Plane Camera
2012 DOF article in Annual Review
2012 Extending Mass Range with Multiple Detectors
2013 ICP DOF Mass Spectrometry
2013 Constant Momentum Acceleration TOF MS
2013 DOF Decouples Energy and Space Focusing
2013 Improved Duty Factor by Interleaved DOF
2013 Patent Dynamic Range Enhancement
2013 Patent Zoom-TOF
2014 Adding a “zoom” mode to TOF MS
2014 Patent Combined DOF & TOF
2015 Laser ablation ICP DOF MS
2016 DOF MS What, Why and How?
2016 ICP Zoom-TOF MS
2018 Patent Targeted Analysis DOF